Thursday, May 18, 2006

Pop Quiz #2

Pop Quiz #2
Originally uploaded by nstovall8.
Y'all did so well with the first mystery picture, we have another one for

you. This bug flew in past my shoulder and landed on the ground while we

were stopped in Lee's Park. It is the weirdest bug I've ever seen (and I've

been to the Amazon rainforest), but I have no idea what it is. I put a tube

of Chapstick next to it for scale. Your guess?


Anonymous said...

That is a Coleoptera: Elateridae, or "Click Beetle." (Thanks, again to the Virginia Tech website.) There is a wealth of interesting information to be learned if you do a Google search on the subject of Click Beetles.

Love, Dad

Anonymous said...

Nathan was close....he said wood click. He remebered Eric (used to live next door) telling him about those.